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Workshop BIGSAS, na Universidade de Beirute, tem participação de professor do CEAO/UFBA

14 - novembro - 2016 | 08:00 - 16 - novembro - 2016 | 17:00


O professor Livio Sansone, do Centro de Estudos Afro-Orientais (CEAO/UFBA), participa de Workshop na Universidade de Beirute. Confira a programação:

Workshop: BIGSAS, University of Bayreuth & Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia)

Encounters: Crossing perspectives – Crossing disciplinaries

14.11-16.11.2016 (Universität Bayreuth)

14.11.                          Monday        

10h00h                        Opening session

Welcome Address

Chancellor of the University of Bayreuth, Dr. Markus Zanner

10h15                         Presentation of BIGSAS (Prof. Dr. Dymitr Ibriszimow)

10h30                          Presentation of Doctoral Schools (Moderation: Prof. Neubert)

Universidad del Valle (Cali): Prof. Rosa Bermudez & Prof. Dario Henao

10h50                                     UFBA & UFRB, Brazil: Prof. Livio Sansone (Center of Asian and African Studies (UFBA, Salvador da Bahia) & Prof. Danillo Barata (UFRB, Cachoeira)

11h10                                     UEM, Maputo, Mozambique: Prof. Carlos Arnaldo & Prof. Teresa Manjate, (Center of African Studies)

12h                             Lunch Break (Reception at Iwalewa-House)

14h00                          Comparative approaches: South-South in Dialogue (Moderation: Bernt Schnettler)

14h00                          Ute Fendler & Eberhard Rothfuß: Crossing perspectives: Case studies South America-Africa

14h30                          Gilbert Ndi Shang: The Coloniality of Power and the Poetics of Excess/ Scarcity in novels by Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru) and by Koli Jean Bofane (Congo)

15h00                          Constantin Sonkwe: Comparative Literature and the Postcolonial

15h30                          Antje Daniels: Opposition or cooperation? Interrelations between social movements and the state. Examples from the women’s movement in Kenya and Brazil

16h00                          Break

16h30                         Danillo Barata: Body – Image (Moderation: A. Mbaye)

17h30-19h00                          Public Lecture : Prof. Livio Sansone (UFBA, Salvador de Bahia): The Challenge of the South-South Comparison (Moderation Dieter Neubert)

15.11. Tuesday         

9h-10h45                    Case Studies: Geography (Moderation: Festus Boamah)

Oscar Buitrago: Lineamientos de política pública para la gestión ambiental del área de influencia metropolitana de Cali (Colombia)

Rogers Hansine: Maputo – Many urban spaces and one city?

Carlos Arnaldo: Armed conflict and demographic outcome in Mozambique and Rwanda

10h45-11h15              Break

11h15-12h30              Case Studies: Literature (Moderation: Gilbert Ndi Shang)

Dario Henao: El código Changó. Mito-poética de matriz africana en Changó, el gran putas

Serena Talento: Negotiating localism and globalism in Shakespearean translations into Swahili

12h30-14h                  Lunch

14h-15h45                 Case Studies: Linguistics (Moderation: Eric Anchimbe)

Rafael Perea Chalá: Improntas africanas en los españoles de América

Irina Turner: The Role of English and Isixhosa for University Graduates in their Early Careers

Susanne Muehleisen: Lesser known Creoles: The role of English-lexicon Creoles in Central and South America

15h30-16h00              Coffee

16h00-17h45              Case studies: Sociology/Anthropology: (Moderation: )

Rosa Emilia Bermúdez Rico: Estrategias de enclasamiento en sectores medios afrocolombianos en Cali

Diana Lorena Pineda Ospina: Movilidad social y estratificación social en la población afrocolombiana en Buenaventura

Ramona Pech: A conversation analytic approach to HIV/AIDS prevention in the Dominican Republic


20h                             “Cinema Africa” at Cineplex: Philippe Lacôte: Run (Ivory Coast)



16.11. Wednesday    

9h00-10h45                Anthropology & Sociology: (Moderation: Livio Sansone)

Wilmar Hernán Reyes Sevillano: Determinantes sociales y experiencias subjetivas en el padecimiento de la diabetes. Una aproximación a las prácticas alimenticias de la población afrocolombiana en Cali.

Julián Eduardo Arteaga Aguilar: Tradición y modernidad en la población del Pacifico Sur. Una aproximación desde los oficios de parteras, marimberos y vicheros

Antonio Evaldo Almeida Barros: Heritage, inequality and citizenship in comparative perspective: About bumbas in Brazil and timbilas in Mozambique.

10h45-11h15              Coffee break

11h15-12h30              Media & Literature (Moderation: Ivo Ritzer)

Yvette Ngum: Articulating Cultures and identities in Cameroonian Cinema

Nadine Siegert: (Re)mapping Luanda. Nostalgia and utopia in aesthetic practise.


12h30-13h00                          Summary (Dymitr Ibriszimow, Ute Fendler & Eberhard Rothfuß) and launch of the AGORA-website

13h00-14h30              Lunch (at Engin’s Ponte)

14h30-16h30              Guided City Tour with Gilbert Ndi Shang

16h30-18h00              Strategic Meeting (Professors)

19h 00                        Dinner


17.11. Thursday

9h00-11h30                            Meeting of partners: Bayreuth, Cachoeira, Cali, Maputo, Salvador da Bahia (Campus Geography, GEO II – R 148)

20h                             Cinema Africa at Cineplex: “The Cursed ones” (Ghana)


14 - novembro - 2016 | 08:00
16 - novembro - 2016 | 17:00